Here we list all our FAQ Questions...
Is there anyone here to create a code for me?westor: Yes, there are a lot of people that can create a code for you, you can contact them from here via "Portal -> Profiles" and try to send them a private message (PM).
I want help with my code can you help me?entropy: Yes, we having a lot of IRC chatrooms to help you with your broken code, you can check the "Portal -> Affiliates" page or visit any server you want below:
1. SwiftIRC ☛ irc.swiftirc.net:+6697 on #mIRCScripting or #mSL
2. mIRCScritps ☛ irc.mircscripts.info:+6697 on #Chat -
Is there an IRC Network for this site?entropy: Yes the network is called: "mIRCScripts IRC Network". Connect now by clicking here: irc://mircscripts.info
When was this site created?entropy: We opened shop on Feb 28th, 2018
Does this website provide any API service?westor: Yes. Contact us under "Portal -> Contact" and we will give you all the API references that you need after you will explain the purpose you need them.
What does the 'X' mean in many pages?entropy: It means you click the 'X' to delete the item.
What's the difference between snippet and addon?entropy: Snippet is one *.mrc file, while Addon has many files (not neccessarily many mrc files).
So if an addon is many files, what's a fullscript?entropy: Addon is something with a single purpose, while a full script has many purposes and many functions (and many files).
What is a Super Admin?entropy: Super Admins can add/delete Admins. The rest of the abilities are the same as Admin. See "What is an Admin?" (below).
What is an Admin?entropy: An Admin is a site administrator with many abilities. They can give "Moderator" status, Review Projects, see all who are online, set Default Theme, set Default Title, view Admin list, view Moderator list, Delete Member, get Member IP, add/delete bans, delete any project, delete any comment, and more!
What is a Moderator?entropy: Moderators can review projects, add/delete any comment/reply and add/edit/delete any FAQ question.
How do i delete my projects?entropy: First, be logged in, then click "My Projects" under "username". Here, you will see all of your projects. Click the "Delete" button (on the right) to delete your files.
How do i delete my own account?entropy: Login, goto "Options", at the bottom, click "Delete My Account" and click the "Ok" when prompted.
When will my script be approved?entropy: If we like your script, it should be accepted within a couple of hours, or it could take a few days. Basically, if its simple, it will get accepted/rejected sooner than large scripts.
Why register an account?entropy: With a registered account, you can: Submit projects, Comment on projects, Access the options panel, Access the messages panel, Chat from the main page, "like" or "dislike" pages, and more!